Film and Television Studies (FTV)

Vertically-related courses in this subject field are FTV 122JAMM 122JAMM 275.

FTV 100 Film History and Aesthetics (3 credits)

General Education: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

Introduction to the historical development of film as an audio-visual art form with an emphasis on the aesthetic techniques used to tell cinematic stories. Explores how historical film styles, industrial contexts, and diverse cultural influences have led to contemporary aesthetic conventions in film and television. Typically Offered: Varies.

FTV 122 Audio-Video Foundations (3 credits)

Introduction to equipment, software, and storytelling strategies for audio-video media production. Typically Offered: Spring and Varies.

FTV 200 Global Film Styles (3 credits)

General Education: International

Introduction to global styles, genres, and movements for film and television after WWII. Explores how historical styles and genres inform contemporary film and television. Typically Offered: Varies.

FTV 395 Film Crew (1 credit, max 2)

Practical experience working as a member of a film crew assisting with production of senior capstone films. Graded pass/fail.

Prereqs: Permission

FTV 425 Directing for the Screen (3 credits)

Run in collaboration with THE 425: BFA Actors Studio. Introduces students to the fundamentals of directing actors for the screen. Students learn technical skills for film lighting, sound, and camera while developing a set of techniques and practices for effectively directing actors, producing, and sharing creative work. Typically Offered: Varies.

Prereqs: ENGL 231 and JAMM 374

FTV 475 Advanced Filmmaking I (3 credits)

Advanced pre-production and content development for short narrative cinema. Emphasis on professional development and exploring the art and business of filmmaking: technical, creative, and aesthetic choices as well as economics, logistics, and intellectual property laws and licensing. Typically Offered: unknown.

Prereqs: JAMM 275 and JAMM 374; or Permission

FTV 476 Advanced Filmmaking II (3 credits)

Continues advanced production and content development for short narrative cinema. Emphasis on criticism, revision, and artistic realization. Typically Offered: unknown.

Prereqs: FTV 475