E - Grades

E-1. Grading System

E-1-a. Definitions of Grades

For purposes of reporting and record, academic work is graded as follows: A - superior; B - above average; C - average; D - below average; F - failure; I - incomplete work of passing quality (see regulation F); W - withdrawal; WA - withdrawal to audit; WU - withdrawal from the university; P - pass (see below); IP - in progress (see E-2); N - unsatisfactory and must be repeated (used only in ENGL 101 and ENGL 102); S - satisfactory (used only in CEU courses); CR - Credit, and NC - No Credit (may be used only in professional development courses).

E-1-b. Grades of P

Grades of P may be reported at the option of the department on a course-by-course basis in noncompetitive courses such as practicum, internship, seminar, and directed study. Grades of P are also reported in courses carrying the statement, "Graded P/F," in the course description. In courses in which Ps are to be used, the method of grading will be made known to the students at the beginning of the semester, and the grading system will be uniform for all students in the courses. Grades under the pass-fail option are not affected by this regulation because the conversion of the regular letter grade is made by the registrar after instructors turn in the class rosters.

E-1-c. Mid-Semester Grades

Mid-semester grades in undergraduate courses must also conform to the above regulations. It is permissible to report Ps at mid-semester ONLY in courses that have been approved for grading on this basis.

E-2. In-Progress (IP) Grades

E-2-a. Grades in Undergraduate Senior Thesis or Senior Project

The grade of IP (in progress) may be used to indicate at least minimally satisfactory progress in undergraduate courses such as senior thesis or senior project that have the statement "May be graded IP" in the course description. When the thesis or project is accepted, the IP grades are to be removed (see E-2-c). Grades of IP in undergraduate courses are considered to represent grades of at least C or P. If, in any given semester, the instructor considers the student's progress unsatisfactory, an appropriate letter grade (D or F) should be assigned for that semester.

E-2-b. Grades in Graduate Research Courses

The grade of IP (in progress) may be used in courses 500 (Master's Research and Thesis), 599 (Non-thesis Master’s Research), and 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation). When the thesis, dissertation, or other research document is accepted, or when a student ceases to work under the faculty member who is supervising their research, the IP grades are to be removed (see below). Grades of IP in graduate courses are considered to represent at least grades of B or P. If, in any given semester, the faculty member supervising the student's research considers the student's progress unsatisfactory, a regular letter grade (C, D, or F) should be assigned.

E-2-c. Removal of IP Grades

Departments may use on a department-wide basis either the P/F grading system or regular letter grades, as well as 'P,' when removing the previously assigned IP grades (e.g., a student who enrolled for six credits in course 500 one semester, four credits another semester, and five credits an additional semester could have 15 credits of IP grades removed with different grades for each of the blocks of credit registered for each semester, such as six credits of A, four credits of B, and five credits of P).

E-3. Grades in Law Courses

For additional provisions applicable to grades in law courses, see the College of Law section.

E-4. Computing Grade-Point Averages

Grades are converted by assigning the following number of points per credit for each grade: A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1, and F - 0. In computing the grade-point average, neither credits attempted nor grade points earned are considered for the following: courses graded I, IP, P, S, W, WU, N, CR, NC, non-U of I sponsored independent study courses, continuing education units, credits earned under regulation I, or courses taken at another institution. Credit earned at non-U.S. institutions is recorded as pass (P) or fail (F), except for some courses taken through an approved study abroad program.

The U of I considers only the Institutional grade-point average official. Although both institutional and overall grade-point averages are printed on transcripts, the overall grade-point average (which includes transfer courses) is informational only. To calculate a grade-point average divide the Quality Points (course credits times the points assigned for the grade earned) by the GPA Hours (course credits attempted not including grades of I, IP, P, W, WU, or N). Earned Hours indicate the total number of semester credits successfully completed (course grades of A, B, C, D, or P earned). Grades of P are included in Earned Hours but do not earn any quality points; grades of F are included in GPA Hours, but not in Earned Hours.

E-5. Replacing Grades

E-5-a. Repeatable Courses

Some courses are listed in this catalog as "repeatable" (i.e., the credits listed for the courses show a maximum number of credits that may be earned or show "credit arranged" or "max arranged," indicating that the courses may be repeated for credit without restriction as to maximum). Other courses show one credit entry for the course (e.g., "1 credit," "2 credits," etc.) and may be taken only once for credit (see procedure for repeating to replace a grade below). [See the section entitled "Credit Designations" for more information.]

E-5-b. Repeating a Course for Grade and Grade Point Average Improvement

An undergraduate student may repeat a course for grade and grade point average improvement. Although all grades remain on the record, the highest grade received will be calculated within the student's grade point average and credit earned in the course. Courses taken at other institutions will not qualify for repeat status unless the student can provide the Registrar's Office written proof from the appropriate U of I department that the courses involved were equivalent or the course has already been evaluated by the academic department as equivalent. Enrollment for a repeated course beyond the third attempt requires permission by the student's college.

A graduate student may repeat a course in which a grade of C or lower has been earned only upon specific recommendation by the student's advisory committee and with approval of the major professor. All grades will remain on the student's record. The highest grade earned will be used for grade point average calculation. Enrollment will not be allowed for a third repeat attempt. Courses numbered 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 603, 604, and 698 may be repeated but not for grade replacement.

See the College of Law section for the exception to this regulation applicable to students in that college.

E-6. Reports of Grades and Grade Corrections

Grades are reported to the registrar for all courses at the end of each academic session and at mid semester for undergraduate courses (see deadlines in the academic calendar). The assignment of grades and corrections of grades are the sole prerogative of the instructor and are reported by the instructor directly to the Registrar's Office via the U of I Faculty Web. All grades except I and IP (see regulation F and E-2) are considered final when assigned by an instructor at the end of a term. An instructor may request a grade correction when a computational or procedural error occurred in the original assignment of a grade. No final grade may be revised as a result of re-examination or the submission of additional work after the close of the semester. Grade corrections must be processed within one year of the end of the term for which the original grade was assigned. In the event the instructor leaves the university, the departmental administrator may assign the final grade.